
The small-round cancel

The small-round cancel (kleinrond) was in use from 1877 to 1893.

A few main post offices used the small-round postmark on a trial basis from autumn 1877, and it was introduced generally from 1878. The main function of the small-round was as a datemark on envelopes, while stamps were cancelled by the number cancel. But on printed matter and postcards the small-round was to function as cancellation on stamps of lower denomination. Small-round cancels from 126 post offices are known, including the postal agencies of Singapore and Penang. The small-round postmark was discontinued in 1893 when the square circle cancel was introduced.

The earliest recorded small-round cancel, Batavia 28/9 1877. This was probably a trial use of the small-round because it is not otherwise known until Nov. 1877.

Wrappers franked by 2 cent stamps for printed matter rate. With one cent stamps added for re-direction to Singapore. The wrapper on the left was sent from Medan to Tandjong Balei and from here to Hotel de la Paix in Singapore. Small-round cancels used for printed matter.

Complete magazine wrapper showing the green 5 cent cancelled by Soerabaja small-round 2 Jan. 1890, sent to Munich via Weltevreden. Munich receiver on back 18 Feb. The small-round postmark was used to cancel stamps on printed matter.

Wrapper from Medan 1891 to Lindau in Bavaria, Germany. The small-round used to cancel stamp on printed matter.

Sent by British packet boat through the Suez Canal via Brindisi.

Wrapper for the Deli Courant sent 1893 from Medan to Berlin via Brindisi. In 1893 the square circle postmark had replaced the small-round.

Small-round used as datestamp on envelopes (not to cancel stamps)

The small-round postmarks of Palembang and Laboean Deli on Sumatra used as datemarks on standard registered mail to Europe. The numeral cancels (32 Palembang and 84 Laboean Deli) used to obliterate the stamps as per regulation.

Small-round postmarks used as datestamps on correspondence from Salatiga 1892 and Meester Cornelis 1890. Showing the numeral cancel used to obliterate the stamps. The letter from Salatiga was cancelled by numeral 15 but the stationary was first cancelled by number 2 on transit in Semarang. 

Small-round cancellation used to cancel stamps

Postcard from Teloek Betoeng in South Sumatra, showing both stamp and stationary cancelled by the small-round cancel. This happened often on postcards, where the numeral cancel was often not used to cancel the stamp. 4/10 1891 sent to Leiden in the Netherlands

A very unusual usage of a postcard sent from Medan to Hamburg in 1885. The stamp was cancelled on transit in Deli northeast Sumatra while the postcard was cancelled in the Medan post office.

Small-round cancel of Poerworedjo 19.12 1886 on uprated registered postcard to a bookseller in Rotterdam. Boxed routing mark NED: INDIE VIA MARSEILLE. 

Rate: 7.5 cent for postcard to Europe with additional 10 cent for registration.

Small-round postmark of Gorontalo on the north part of Sulawesi Island. The postmark was used to cancel the stamp on postcard from Feb. 1890 to Solingen in Germany, sent via Soerabaja and Weltevreden.

Loeboesikaping is a town in west Sumatra. A post offic opened there in June 1890 and they used number cancel 81 and the small-round postmark that was used on this card. It is a very rare cancel to find used on a stamp. Postcard sent to Cologne in Germany Sep. 1892. This card is one of the big rarities of the small-round cancels!