The square circle cancel ('vierkantstempel') in combination with longcancel
Stamps that show the combination of the square circle cancel and the long cancel are not uncommon, starting from the introduction of the square circle in 1892. These stamps were used on letters sent from a sub post office or a train mail collection (where the long cancel was used) and via a main post office (which applied the square circle date stamp).
Longcancel Bawean and the date cancel of Soerabaja 18/8 1901 on a letter to Amsterdam.
Taroetoeng in North Sumatra via Siboga (18/4 1903) and Padang (20/4) to the Netherlands. The envelope was sent from the canteen in the military camp of Taroetoeng to the cigar manufacturer de Arend in Cuijk in the province of Limburg.
Emma Haven via Padang 28/8 1900 to Posen in Germany. The letter went by sea to Genoa and from there by train to Milan. On the back is the Italian square circle cancel 'Amb Genova-Milano 21/9 00' and receiver of Posen 23/7 1900 (must be an error and should be 23/9).
Emma Haven (now known as Teluk Bayur, but then named after the Queen consort of King William III) is the port of Padang city and the largest and busiest port on the western coast of Sumatra.